Wednesday, April 29, 2009


“Courage starts as a servant and becomes a master”
-Kahlil Gabran-
People write songs about singing in the rain, but in real life, when they get wet, they moan. People love to watch Indiana Jones wading knee-deep through snakes and spiders – but when their office air-conditioning fails, they explode. Perhaps if we had fewer adventures on our video recorders, we would look for more adventures in life.

“Being comfortable” is overrated. I’m not talking about “money” comfortable. I’m talking “situation” comfortable. Much of our stress is created by our addiction to comfort… “planes should always be punctual, the workload should always be easy, the bank overdraft should be comfortable.”

Too much comfort gets boring. Our brains seize up! The less rules you make for how life ought to be and how you ought to feel, the easier it is for you to respond to whatever happens.

If you follow any kind of dream you’ll sometimes be comfortable – you’ll get rejected, criticized, short of cash and exhausted. When adversity comes your way, see it as part of the process. Be fascinated. Be interested. Be amused. See the fun in being behind the eight ball.

Something else about comfort. You’ll notice that, very often, courage is being rewarded that IQ – and this frustrates some people. As a rule, rewards come when we risk our reputation or our money – or both.

Courage is not the absence of fear – courage is acting in spite of fear. People who do nothing with their lives are just as scared as people who take major risks. It’s just that the first group get scared over tiny things. Why not get scared over something significant?


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