Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dialogues of Coffeeholic

Coffeeholic opens up a conversation with the Heavenly Father.

Master, we all make mistakes. Please forgive me for my wrongdoings, help me forgive others for theirs, and help them forgive me as well. Teach me how to make wise choices and decisions so that I may live my life in a way that is pleasing to you.

If my attitude smells to high heaven, help me to trash my complaints and bitterness. Replace this garbage with your love so my attitude will be a delight to both you and to those around me.

Thank you for stitching friends into the fabric of my life. Their colorful patterns and personalities add a richness and texture to who I am. May we provide loving comfort to one another as we walk along life’s path.

Much thanks for giving me my good friends Mam Nads, Marg, Ria, Jaja, Jaq, Jem, Michelle, Lord Jane, Charles, Randy, Kuya Felix, Kuya Jong, Kuya Eric, Jason, Dominic, Richard, Ronald, Rogelio, Jeff, Mar, Perry and others. They are like a secret garden growing in my heart. May the seeds of our friendships blossom into great bouquets of happiness and carry the scent of our joy to others.

Help me not to disconnect from these special people you have placed in my life. I may make new friends but old good friends can never be replaced. Help me to cherish the friends you have given me.

I ask for your protection and care over my family, friends and myself. Send your guardian angels to protect us and lead us away from danger. Help me recognize your intervention in my life so I will never take you for granted.

Help me to create special memories with my family - Daddy, Mommy, Ate Karen, Kuya Marlon, Kuya Conrad, Rita, Carlo, Avic, Baby Ella, and Baby Simon. When we look back at those times, help us to remember the laughter not the tears. Help us envision the smiles, not the frowns and help us to remember our love.

Help me to see the humor in life. Thank you for giggles and smiles. Help me to use them effectively as I sprinkle them through my day. May I see the joy in all my circumstances.

Lord, I give you my wardrobe. Clothe me in the beauty of humility, for that will never go out of style. Help me to dress in the glory of your gentleness, topped with the attitude of graciousness. May these garments impress all I meet so they will know I am well dressed because I am the daughter of the King.

Help me to accessorize every outfit with a smile. Give me contentment even when there are holes in my socks and my stretch pants have no other choice. Even when, I know I will be dressed for success, for my attitude will outshine any fashion statement my neighbor can afford.

Please guide my ship through the storms of life and lead me to safe harbors. Thank you for the gales that make me stronger and the gentle breezes which bring me hope for tomorrow.

Help me to remember that no advantage, small or large, is worth losing my integrity. Give me a nudge when I am tempted to compromise and let a little dishonesty sneak in. For keeping my heart clean is wise, and it will bear the fruit of goodness in my life.

Thank you for the people you have put into my life. Their love changes my world, and my heart overflows with love for them. May I make difference in their lives as well.

Thank you for everything I have received and for all that I have escaped.

Thank you for all the imperfections, changes and unexpected events that come into my life.

Thank you for my life. You created me into my mother’s womb, it was your idea! Help me to use this gift of life you have given me in such a way that I will be a blessing. Give me your grace to bloom where you have planted me, despite whatever circumstances I face. Help me to be open so that I may live life to its fullest.

Give me the courage to do the hard and needful thing. Keep my motivations pure and grounded in Your love. Thank you for being there when I stumble and help me to reach out to others who have fallen.

No matter how my circumstances may change, you are with me. When my life shifts from one season to the next, I can still call on you and you will answer me.

Goodbye for now, Master.

Coffeeholic is happy for her wonderful têtê-a-têtê with the King.=)


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