The main purpose of a newspaper is to inform the people of the local, national and foreign news. However, a lot of additional information is made available through the newspaper.
Learn to read news stories. This will keep you informed of the things happening around. You cannot be a functional citizen of your country if you are not well-informed.
Here are some tips for the newspaper reader:
- Adopt a flexible rate of reading. Most people do skimming in order to be able to keep track of the daily news. Slow and careful reading may be done only to particular news items based on the reader’s purpose.
- Judge your newspaper for its fairness on public questions. Try to judge between facts and opinions in news stories. In dealing with public issues, newspapers sometimes may not be objective. They may state opinions as facts; they may omit news favorable to their political opponents and emphasize news favorable to them.
- A good newspaper features real news in the order of importance. Some newspapers sensationalize crime news and scandal with headline and pictures just to attract the attention of the buying public. The uncreated reader becomes a vulnerable victim who buys the paper.
- Knowing the parts of a newspaper is an aid to effective reading. It makes you locate easily any specific information you need.
- A knowledge of background information about the publisher, editor, writer or columnist is generally an aid to objective news interpretation.
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